The CHALK4PEACE locations confirmed for September.
Thank you to all who provided us with this information.
8/21 Daniel Webster E.S. San Francisco, CA- noon; Beth Gould
8/28 Vimy Ridge Park, Winnipeg, Canada Public welcome
Sat 9/4- Farmer's Market, Iron Mountain, MI 8:30-noon
sponsored by ArtWorks & Pebbles for Peace; Joan Game
Public welcome
CINCY UNITY JAM 4 Cincinnati, OH Baoku Moses Public Welcome
9/5 -Rotaract sponsored CHALK4PEACE Moca, Dominican Republic
Adrianny Guzman, Ana Lasose Hiciano
rotaract_moca(at) Public welcome
9/6 -Grandview Middle School Grandview, WA Steven Platt
Sat 9/11 -Busboys @ 14th & V.2021 14th St, DC –Public welcome
-Busboys & Poets @ 5th & K. 1025 5th Street NW, DC (5th year)
-Busboys @ Shirlington 4251 S. Campbell Ave., Arlington, VA
703.379.9756 Kat Hansen kat(at)
-Westminster Mall, CA Simon Kidgits Club. JC Penny Court
-Valley Links Comox Valley Lewis Ctr. Courtenay, BC 10-3
-Unity Church Week of Peace, Rollinsford, NH 10-3
Unity of the Seacoast parking lot; David Bernier Public Welcome
-FB Meekins Preschool 900 Maple Ave East
Vienna, VA 22180 Elaine Chon-Baker elainecb(at)
-Barcroft E. S. Arlington, VA (5th year) Alissa Karton
9/12 -Adams Morgan Day Community Arts Festival Washington DC
Public welcome
- Damascus Community Recreation Center 12-4 pm
25520 Oak Drive Damascus, MD 240-777-6930 Public welcome
9/13 -Hybla Valley ES Alex., VA Suzanne Parrish 703 718-7082
-Eagle View ES 4500 Dixie Hill Road, Fairfax, VA Jessica K. Chinn
-Southern Illinois Univ., Carbondale, Il 8am-5pm Public welcome
TIMELOYD RICH GalacticPicnic(at)
9/15-Yoga in Daily Life, Alex,. VA 5-6pm Jackie Wright-Martin
- St. Louis Community College, Florissant Valley 11-1
Sponsored by Photo-Flo, St. Louis, Missouri Janice Nesser
9/17-CAPE TOWN, S. Africa St. George’s Cathedral (5th year)
CATH Angela Rackstraw angrack(at) Public welcome
-Northern Lights School, Oakland, CA
Sat 9/18-Girl Scout Troop 849, Wesley United Methodist Church Alex,
VA 9am - 3pm Beth Campbell BeefieGS(at), Public welcome
-Juckett Park Peace Festival, Hudson Falls, NY 1-4pm Jean Santoro
bigoak2(at) Public welcome
-Peace, Love & Balance, Virginia Beach, VA Yoga & Peace Festival
Betsey Parker Reid betseyvw(at) Public welcome
-4th Annual Beatles Celebration, Orillia, Ontario, Canada
Darcy Hoover dhoover(at) Public welcome
9/19-MOCHA, Oakland, CA Rae Holzman rae(a) (5th year)
Public welcome
-Children’s Discovery Museum, San Jose, CA
part of Mexican Heritage Week
Sandy Derby sderby(at) Public welcome
-P.A.I.N.T.S. sponsors Beach School CHALK4PEACE,
Piedmont, CA Skov Narda nardaskov(at) Public welcome
- Yacht Haven Grande, St Thomas, Virgin Islands;
Silver Raven silverravenstudios.88(at) Public welcome
-Hunter’s Wood E.S. Norma Morris Norma.Morris(at)
event takes place all week M-S
-Girl Scout Troop # 40726 sponsors a multiple GS Troop Gathering;
Martinsburg Mall, Martinsburg, WV
Heather Riker Johnson Public welcome
-Bloombars, 3222 11th Street Northwest 1-4pm
Washington, DC (202) 567-7713 Gowri Koneswaran Public Welcome
-Spread Peace Cafe, Reno, NV Roberta Tams Public welcome
9/20 -Waples Mill E.S., PTA sponsored; 2nd-6th grades
Marilyn Miyamoto- MMiyamoto(at)
-Gooden School, Sierra Madre, CA 8 am
Maryanne von Vorst Ryan mryan(at)
9/21 International Day of Peace -Burke Middle School. 9645 Burke Lake Road Burke, VA 7:40-2:00
Chris Draper mbdraper(at)
-Superior E.S. 1800 S. Indiana St. Superior, CO (5th year)
Michael Wojczuk michael.wojczuk(at) 720 561-4150
-Mothers Acting Up Pearl St. Mall, in front of Boulder Bookstore
11 am on; Beth Osnes beth.osnes(at) Public welcome
- Wilmington Montessori School Wilmington DE 9:30-3:00
- Oak Grove School, Ojai, CA Katy Council
9/22-Cody Child Development Center, Fort Myer, VA all day
9/23 -Crane Country Day School, SB, CA -Special video shoot of event
Debbie Williams dwilliams(at)
9/24 -Woodlawn ES Alex VA 10:30-3:00 Angela Gross akgross(at)
-Groveton ES, Alex, VA 10:30-3:00 mariellechalk4peace(at)
-Oakridge E.S. Arlington , VA
Maria Cuzzocrea Burke maria_burke(at)
Sat 9/25
10:00 am Public welcome Eduardo Jimenez, ejimenez(at)
-“Gizes Por La Paz” Main quarter, National University, Mexico City,
Mexico Angelica Flores gisesporlapaz(at) -also on 9/26
9/26 -Boulder Public Library 1-4pm 9th and Canyon, Boulder, CO
Heepke, Carol HeepkeC(at)
9/30 -Farnsley Middle School 5 pm
3400 Lees Lane Louisville, KY 40216 Michelle Burgan
-Bijou Community School S. Lake Tahoe, CA Carrie Gault
Sat10/2 -Intl. Clown and Clown Festival, Monte San Giusto, Italy
Robin Parks Lockwood, Director (212) 274-0986 ext.114
-Plain City Elementary School, Plain City, OH 12-3pm
Sun 10/24 Every Picture Tells A Story
Gallery of Children's & Comic Illustration
1333 Montana Ave. Santa Monica, CA
Lee and Lois, Indigo Project
Also: Fairfax County Public Schools. Fairfax, VA-
SACC Program- 140+ schools Lois Kirkpatrick, Mgr.,
Marketing & Strategic Analysis Office for Children
Fairfax County Dept. of Family Services 703-324-7162
FCPS and other confirmations: Lake Braddock Secondary-
Deborah FitzGerald dlfitzgerald(at); Elem. Schools:
Freedom Hill; Ravensworth; Lorton Station; Greenbriar East;
Mt. Vernon Woods; Wolftrap; Union Mill; the Congressional
Schools of Virginia, Falls Church, VA JC Nalle ES, Anacostia
Dates pending: ARTOMATIC 2010 Washington, DC in Oct. TBD
Additional known locations: Sao Paulo, Brazil, Cork City, Ireland,
NYC, Grahamstown, S, Africa, London, England, Edinborough,
Scotland, the West Bank, Portugal, France, Bosnia, Ghana,
Santa Monica, CA, Fairfax County, VA, Washington, DC,
Pittsburgh, PA Marian College Grade School, Quezon City, Philippines
and others…