Saturday, April 19, 2008


CHALK4PEACE received a very generous contribution to its efforts
this week when Loew-Cornell Inc., the recommended chalk supplier, based in New Jersey, made a sizable gift of the #312
art chalk for distribution to our overseas friends who have little access to the colorful signature chalk you see in our photographs.
CHALK4PEACE is dedicated to encouraging others' dreams 4 peace.
We ask you to help us continue our work to give peace its chance.
Your contribution enables us to open doors across the world, to
advocate for the event on a global basis. We encourage communities
celebrating CHALK4PEACE with support through promotional materials, CHALK, Internet presence and the C4P INFORMATION HOTLINE. Every dollar effectively provides a young artist with chalk.
To donate, simply click on the TITLE OF THIS POST
to cast your vote 4 PEACE in the form of a single dollar, or
more, if you wish. HELP US HELP A MILLION ARTISTS!
We make sure YOUR dollar is used to promote the concept of peace.
All the CHALK4PEACE artists everywhere thank you.

Photos: Jerry Downs Photography, CHALK4PEACE, Inc.

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